
Have you ever met a man who is the center of attention wherever he goes? Some mysterious, indefinable characteristic sets him apart from all other men. Jesus-Christ’s only credentials were himself. He never wrote a book, commanded an army, held a political office, or owned properties. He mostly traveled within a hundred miles of his village, attracting crowds who were amazed at his words and stunning deeds. Within three years, Jesus-Christ changed the world for the next 21 centuries. Other moral and religious leaders have left an impact—but nothing like this unknown carpenter’s son from Nazareth. Think about it! And while most great people eventually fade into history books, Jesus-Christ is still the focus of thousands of books and unparalleled media controversy.


Secondly, there are numerous religions, and all religions don’t practice the same way. Most of them are opposite from one another. Yet, there is harmony in the universe and in nature. Only one Top mighty entity can control and maintain this order. But why so many different doctrines? As we have seen above, all religions claiming to be right in connection with the all mighty one don’t just have the same doctrine. So, which one is right? Is the all mighty divided, contradictory with himself? Now, that all mighty knows who is right with him and who is not. Also, those who are in the right way, know it.

And the all mighty one had to let human beings know who he really is and How to get access to him? That’s his responsibility. The history, in the Bible, in the Koran and in any other history book, tells us that Jesus-Christ came, lived and ascended physically, with his body, into heaven.  Nobody has ever done that before! Nobody will ever do it again! Because that was God’s mission to show humans the way! That’s why Jesus-Christ could bravely say ‘’I am the way, the truth, and the life. No One comes to the Father except through me.’’ John 14:6.


Thus, Jesus-Christ came, died and rose up from dead, ascended into heaven and is alive ever since forever. So what’s the good news about it?

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